Pegasus Motor Club Test Day
Saturday July 31st saw our premier event planned for the summer. This was the Bristol Pegasus Motor Club, Castle Combe Track Day, followed by a barbeque and games at Chris Varey’s house. Our local friends from the Bristol Pegasus Club (of which several of us in the local WSCC areas are also members) organised a fabulous day at Combe. For £99 we had a complete day – the circuit opening at 9AM and last sessions at 5:30PM. It was expertly organised and marshalled, with about 60 attendees and a maximum of 8 cars on the track at a time. This meant you could get as much time on the track as you could possibly want – in my case it was only limited by waiting for the car to cool down! In addition to this, since it was a private club event, the nature of the clientele were genuine car enthusiasts who displayed a reassuringly mature and knowledgeable attitude to track driving: In short no max power boy racer nutters got anywhere near the track. Finally, and I must find out how the organisers achieved this, they had managed to arrange a fabulously hot and sunny day (yes there was one this summer). Many of the Bath & Bristol and the Cheltenham & Gloucester WSCC members came along. Tony Sighe (AO Chelt&Glos) and myself traded rides in each other’s cars to let the other one cool down. This was my first outing on a circuit with my new sticky tyres (Avon CR500’s) & the car was transformed – now I’m asking why didn’t I make the change earlier? In the evening many of us went along to Chris Varey’s house for a BBQ and silly games. What a great night – hats off to Chris for organising this.