20th May 2010 - Curborough Sprint Circuit Trackday - 1st Track Day Of 2010

A regular event in the WSCC Warwickshire Area Calender. Usually we ahev a couple of Track Days each year.

We usually rent the track for the whole day and our allowed to have a maximum of 15 cars.

What better way to find the limits of your car and driver in a safer environment that a public road.

The weather was fantastic although for many of us just a little to hot and we ended up with a little sunburn.

For the lunch hour we managed to bring some disposable BBQ's to the track.

Unfortunatly, this may have had a detrimental affect on the power 2 weight ratios.

These are very popular enets and usually fill up early on so please contact the Area Organiser ASAP to reserve you place on the next track day.

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